lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

Time and Preposition of time

ON: Usamos on para los días de la semana, fechas y días especiales.

On 14th January
On Christma’s Day
On Monday

IN: Usamos in para meses del año, estaciones, y partes del día.

In April
In Summer
In the morring, in the afternon,in the ibinany

AT: Usamos at para las horas, festividades, con la palabra night.

At half past nine
At Chistmas, Easter
At night

Different Ways to Say the Time
Time Ways to Say the Time

4:00 It's four o'clock

2:15 It's Quarter past two // It's two fifteen

6:30 It's half past six // It's six thirty

2:45 It's quarter to three // It's two forty-five

7:50 It's ten to eight // It's seven fifty

8:11 It's eleven minutes past eight // It's eight eleven

11:48 It's twelve minutes to twelve // It's eleven forty-eight

Noon (middle of the day)

Midnight (middle of the night)

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